SCB's 28th International Congress for Conservation Biology July 23-27, 2017 Cartagena, Columbia
Symposium Presentation in "Global Connectivity Conservation Designation and Design" Session:
"Transboundary connectivity initiative in a mosaic of landscapes shaped by humans". Ancuta Cotovelea (Fedorca)
IBA's 25th International Conference on Bear Research & Management November 12-17, 2017 Quito, Ecuador
BSG Special Session 1: "Is bear conservation advancing?"
"Brown bear research in Europe: a review of the data collected and their value for conservation". Marta De Barba
"Bear ecology and behaviour"
"Designing ecological corridors network for brown bears in Romania". Ancuta Fedorca
SCB's 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology June 12-15, 2018 Jyvaskyla, Finland
"Patterns of bilberry dispersal in a highly humanized protected area: a preliminary study". Alberto García-Rodríguez
"Direct and indirect impacts of climate change and land use change over biodiversity: a case of study with the brown bear in Europe". Pablo Lucas
"Identifying umbrella species for connectivity conservation in Europe". Trishna Dutta
"Artificial feeding of wildlife: where do we go?". Nuria Selva
IBA's 26th International Conference on Bear Research & Management September 16-21, 2018 Ljubljana, Slovenia
"Feeding ecology of a small brown bear population in the human dominated alpine environment using DNA metabarcoding". Marta De Barba
"Direct and indirect impacts of climate change and land use change over biodiversity: a case of study with the brown bear in Europe". Pablo Lucas
"Identifying umbrella species for large mammal connectivity conservation in Europe: how well do brown bears do the job?". Trishna Dutta
"Human impact on endozoochorous seed dispersal by Scandinavian brown bears". Shane Frank
"Brown bears facilitate sexual reproduction in a clonal keystone plant species of the boreal forest". Sam Steyaert
SCB's 29th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2019), July 21-25 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
García-Rodríguez, A., Albrecht J., Szczutowska S., Valido A., Farwig N. & Selva N. 2020. The role of the brown bear as a seed disperser: a review. 7th Frugivores and Seed Dispersal Symposium, 2-6 March 2020, Corbett Landscape, India.
Ancuta Fedorca, Aaron Laur, Ramon Jurj, Marius Popa, Mihai Fedorca, Georgeta Ionescu, Tudor Stancioiu, Gary Tabor, Gabriel Oppler, Deborah Davidson, Zack Wurtzebach, Nuria Selva, Marta De Barba, Niko Balkenhol et al. Connectivity conservation from science to practice for supporting smart infrastructure development in the Southern Transylvania. Socio-Ecological Practice Research for Sustainable Landscape Governance. September 6 – 8, 2020
ICUB/ Faculty of Geography/University of Bucharest.
Dutta T., De Barba M., Balkenhol N., et al. 2019. Identifying Umbrella Species for Connectivity Conservation in Europe. International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Talk.
Fedorca Ancuta. COREHABS to BearConnect: Securing ROAMing in the wilderness corner of Europe. 2020. Guidelines virtual launch IUCN Guidelines for conserving connectivity through ecological networks and corridors
Fedorca Ancuta. COREHABS to BearConnect: Securing ROAMing in the wilderness corner of Europe. 2020. Vital Sites: IUCN Guidelines for Connectivity Conservation