- Interview at Romanian National Television by INCDS Marin Dracea and international collaborators:
- The findings of Bartoń et al. 2019 were disseminated by the Wilderness Society on their website
https://wilderness-society.org/carnivores-crossing-borders/ - European lowlands in Bialowieza Forest was covered by Polish newspapers and press agency and reported in the Newsletters International Bear News
https://wyborcza.pl/7,75400,24914443,niedzwiedzie-wroca-do-bialowiezy-ostatniego-zabito-140-lat.html?disableRedirects=true - BearConnect participated in the ARTE documentary “Die Rückkehr der Bären/Le retour des Ours” (The return of the bears) broadcasted on August 22 at prime-time at 20h15 in Germany and at 20h50 in France. We showed the field research conducted under WP2 in Tatra National Park and highlighted the role of brown bears as seed dispersers in the functioning of ecosystems.
- BearConnect was among the research projects selected to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of the National Science Centre In Poland, one of the funding agencies participating in the Biodiversa calls